

The meeting place for performing arts professionals


À propos

ProPulse is the promotional showcase for the performing arts in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, aimed at professionals in the cultural sector.


What is ProPulse?

ProPulse is a 5-day multi-disciplinary showcase highlighting artists from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to an audience of mainly Belgian and international programmers. It encourages the circulation of artists both inside and outside Belgium. Around thirty projects are programmed, including two international ones.

Performing arts disciplines include theatre, dance, storytelling, multidisciplinary, circus, street arts, fairground arts, action theatre, comedy, puppetry and improvisation.

ProPulse 2025, which takes place every other year in Brussels, will be relocated to the Centre Culturel de Huy.


Discover the 2025 programme


Programme pro

ProPulse is part of the ARÉA network (Association des Réseaux d'Evénements Artistiques), along with Chaînon Manquant (France), Francofête en Acadie (Canada), Coup de cœur francophone (Canada), Rideau (Canada), Voix de fête (Switzerland) and Bourse Suisse aux Spectacles -T. (Switzerland).

Professional meetings take place during the festival, free of charge, but bookings must be made through the ticket office.



The programme includes a number of professional meetings:

  • An opening/closing evening
  • Breakfasts
  • Presentations (dissemination results / sustainable initiatives)
  • Professional meetings (How to overcome the barriers of disability?)
  • International Potluck
  • Discussions (Programming emergence: a risky bet?)